Friday 27 June 2008

Samantha Ronson 'Calms' Lindsay Lohan's Wild Behaviour

Lindsay Lohan has turned over a new leaf due to the “calming effect” her rumoured girlfriend Samantha Ronson is having on her.

The Mean Girls star, formally known for her wild child behaviour including calling in “sick” for movie shoots and partying until the crack of dawn, has impressed colleagues on her most recent movie.

A source tells Page Six: "She's showing up early for call time (on her new flick, Labor Pains), she knows her lines and her co-workers actually like her. She's a total pro now."

The reason for this is apparently her DJ pal Samantha who "has a calming effect on her."

Another factor in her changed attitude is distancing herself from bad influences such as her mom-ager Dina and dad Michael, claims the publication.

Do you prefer good girl LiLo or the wild child demeanour? Be sure to leave your comments below.